Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Clean Slate

Happy New Year! As promised, I have some clarified intentions for my stitching activities this year.

For the past three years every New Year has started with a list of my UFOs (UnFinished Objects, for any non-stitchers out there!), and a plan to finish them. So every year has started weighed down with last year's baggage. Not this year! This year I'm starting with a clean slate.

Usually I tend to think UFOs are like this:

Doesn't that look like a disapproving aunt? LOL. "Finish what you started!" "Don't waste good fabric!" I've already rid myself of most of these.

It's the innocent-looking ones that are trickier:

"This would just be a quick, fun project," is what these misleading UFOs say. Soon it is a Trouble with Tribbles situation...

...and you never get any serious work done again. Or at least, I don't.

It's clear that I have to make some choices, narrow my focus, and start to work with a goal in mind. I want to get away from projects that are 100% machine sewn, and do more work that incorporates hand applique, hand embroidery, and hopefully hand quilting too. Which ones will make the cut? Right now I'm going with the projects that I will be most proud of when they're done. My WIPs page has been updated accordingly.

And, hand over heart, I firmly resolve to start more new projects this year!

Many thanks to Microsoft for their instructive clip art.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mesa Santa

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a good holiday, or at least, better than us! We have been through the wringer here in Toronto, where a massive ice storm knocked out power, and therefore heat in most homes, for several days in subzero temperatures right over the holiday.

After the first night we moved to my sister's cat-infested house, which had power the whole time. I am extremely allergic, and recovering from a surgery the week before, so it was pretty challenging. But, I'm glad she was able to take us in! It could have been much worse. We are back home now and the lights are on, but it will probably take a few more days to really recover from it all.

This Mesa Santa Christmas ornament in the photo above is one of the Southwest Santas collection from Mill Hill. Do you see the cute armadillo in the lower right corner? I love his blanket too, with just a few chunks of turquoise to set it off. It was my take-along project to my sister's house. So, at least I got one more project both started and finished in 2013.

I'm sure ready for a fresh start in 2014!
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