Thursday, June 19, 2014


I'm claiming my blog on Bloglovin, at last:

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I've had the Bloglovin button for followers in my sidebar for about a year, but I'm finally making the switch myself to use it as my main blog reader instead of the Blogger dashboard. The dashboard reader has been very unreliable lately, some posts have been late or missing. And the Bloglovin reader is very clean and easy to use, with nice large photos (the most important part!).

Otherwise, it's been a steady stream of birthdays and holidays all spring, plus several trips to the garden centre, so I haven't done much sewing lately.

And, I finally got rid of my guild's historic archives, which were stored in my basement for the past two years. Now, though, I have no more excuses to avoid cleaning out a lot of my own old stuff, so I hope to do that in stages over the summer as well.

On a side note, one interesting offshoot of my effort to use more purple in my projects is that I've become obsessed with purple flowers this spring! These Johnny Jump Ups, or small pansies, seed themselves between our patio stones every year:

They look a little worn, but the colours are inspiring!

Back to stitching soon! :D


  1. not sure what you mean about the button etc but as long as I still get your blogs all will be well. Think I follow with google is that still okay. Purple flowers look lovely in the garden, I seem to have loads and loads of purple lupins out at the moment.

  2. I love purple flowers ( purple anything, really). I think you are fortunate, or clever, to have such vibrant self-sown flowers recurring. In a former house we has violets coming up,each year and that was lovely.

    1. Thanks, Jillian! Just fortunate with the flowers, with a commitment to leave them be. :)

  3. Love johnny's too and a growing list of other plants that self seed around my garden. Mine is finally looking cold and wet! Thought winter was never going to get here as it has been quite a warm autumn too. I am in the midst of cleaning out the back shed and am going to seal around the edge with something to keep mice out! So sick of them taking over and there is just enough gap between the shed framing and the slab to let the blighters in. Now I know I declared war on them a couple of years ago but I definitely mean business this time! So silicon and flywire cut into thin strips should do the job. Think I would rather come and clean out your basement in Canada lol.


I'm told Blogger has been bouncing some comments, so if it happens to you I'm sorry! But the settings look right so I can't explain it. In any case, thanks for reading!

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